About Us

Our mission is to develop the industry by sharing gem knowledge, techniques and expertise, and providing awareness to the local manufacturers about international standards of jewellery manufacturing in order to enhance their ability to adopt modern techniques of jewellery manufacturing and to set them a part with international standards.

What are Gemstones ?

Most gemstones are nothing but forms of minerals found deep within the earth's surface. The three characteristics that make them special are beauty, rarity and durability. In case of colored gemstones, the "colour" forms the most important factor in a stone's beauty. Most popular gems are, in fact, known mostly by their colour. The fiery red of the ruby, refreshing green of the emerald, cornflower blue of sapphire for example. The prices for each of the gem varieties are affected by rarity, durability and popularity.

What are Colored Gemstones ?

Red, Blue, Green and Yellow to Lilac, Magenta, Saffron and Teal; countless colors that mesmerise the human eye. They become even more irresistible when captured in timeless colored gemstones. For centuries, colored gemstones have been used to express love, passion and power. from royalties to celebrities to commoners, few are left untouched by the dramatic radiant appeal of colored gemstones.

What are Colored Gemstones Treatment ?

Treatments are a part of the gem and jewellery trade. However, you have the right to know if the stone has been treated and how the treatment has affected it. To ensure you are paying the correct value of the stone, ask your jeweller for an independant grading report by a trusted third party to assure that you are truly getting what you expect. CGL is one such organisation that grades gemstones.

Process We Follow

We follow a comprehensive plan to complete your gemstone testing step by step.

Assets Handover

When customer enters our branch handovers his/her valuables our trained team writes customer demands and valuables are passed for inspection.

Get Receipt

Our staff handover a Receipt to customer so that after testing valuables can be recognized and handover to right person . Its all just for your valuables security.

Lab Testing

Now our trained staff test your valuable with Latest Equipment And Machines so that their is no space for mistake.

Report Authentication

After testing our staff makes a Authentication report for your valuables so you would never be cheated by Thugs.

Certification of Natural Gemstones

A gemstone certificate is a document issued by a licensed gemological laboratory. Some gemstone certificates only verify authenticity and weight. Certificates give you identifying information about your stone, which can be used to help identify its rarity. Certificates will not, however, give you a monetary figure for the “worth” of the stone. Certificates are not always present at the time of purchasing a gemstone. Certificates can be issued at any point after a purchase if it is something that the buyer wishes.Certified gemologists will use a gemstone laboratory to put the gemstone in question through a series of specific and exact tests to come to a final determination and, if possible, the grade assigned to the stone. Be sure to do research on any company or brand certification that you are not familiar with.

The Four C’s of Colored Gemstones

The Four C's to us gem nerds, Carat, Clarity, Color, and Cut are the four yardsticks used to measure gemstone value.


The size of a gemstone is generally measured by weight in metric carats. While gems of a higher carat are often more highly valued, the other three Cs each have a significant role to play.


These interruptions in clarity can affect the visual appeal of a gemstone, as well as its durability. That’s why, in most cases, gems are valued higher when they are glassy and utterly transparent. But it’s not always that simple.


Color is, by most accounts, the most important factor in determining the value of colored stones. It’s also the most complex. As I mentioned earlier, the color of a gemstone is composed of four elements:


A high quality cut takes the other three C’s into account and enhances a gemstone’s best features. The best stone cutters bring an artful eye and practiced attention to detail to their craft.

What Our Clients Say

Here, We make almost every genre of applications. You name it and we build it.

"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."

Muzammil Sohail


"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."



"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."

Khawaja Adnan

Netwrok Administrator

"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."

Sufyan Mehdi


"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."

Mogeesh Ahmed


"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."

M Iname


"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."


Kaizen Global

"Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia."

Ali Mehdi

Digital Marketer


Jan 21 - Feb 18

Garnet, Amethyst, Jasper, Agate


Feb 19 - Mar 20

Amethyst, Fluorite, Aquamarine


Mar 21 - Apr 20

Bloodstone, Topaz, Sapphire


Apr 21 - May 21

Sapphire, Malachite, Jade, Amber


May 22 – Jun 21

Agate, Chalcedony, Pearl


Jun 22 - Jul 22

Emerald, Moonstone, Citrine


Jul 23 - Aug 23

Onyx, Zircon, Peridot, Ruby


Aug 24 - Sept 22

Fluorite, Tourmaline, Moss Agate


Sept 23 - Oct 23

Chrysolite, Peridot, Jade, Tourmaline


Oct 24 - Nov 22

Beryl, Rose Quartz, Rhodochrosite


Nov 23 - Dec 21

Citrine, Topaz, Turquoise


Dec 22 - Jan 20

Ruby, Hematite, Onxy, Obsidian